Our mission is to bring outdoors enthusiasts together to support children with a life threatening illness or life altering disability and to raise awareness, support and funding to be able to give a child a chance to experience the outdoors and a chance to go on a hunt of their dreams.

Click below for previous recipents
2016 Recipients
2015 Recipients
2014 Recipients
2013 Recipients

“Young Guns”
Brock Haverland and Ryan Erickson

2017 RecipientA little about:
Brock Haverland
Brock was born with a rare genetic disorder called XXXXY syndrome. He has gone through a lot, but continues to be a rock through it all.

Brock was born weighing 5 pounds. He required oxygen therapy after birth, so he was transferred to the NICU at Children’s Hospital – St. Paul. His respiratory distress was due to transient tachypnea of the newborn. X-rays showed that Brock had a butterfly vertebra at T7. Visually you could see …..Read More

2017 RecipientA little about:
Ryan Erickson
Ryan Erickson was born on February 27, 2000 in Stillwater, MN. Shortly after his arrival, he was transported to Children’s Hospital in St. Paul because he was in respiratory distress. Consequently, we spent a week at the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). On Wednesday, March 1, 2000 we received confirmation that Ryan had Down syndrome. As is common for children with Down syndrome. As is common for children with Down syndrome, he was born…..
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