Boys of Summer
Sawyer Joachim & Bryce Madsen
A little about:Sawyer James JoachimWe were never more excited to be starting our family than to start this family with a son. Sawyer’s first year seemed to be normal, meeting all of milestones we had read and heard about. At twelve months old we questioning his lack of desire to crawl or attempt to walk. We pursued physical therapy in which he progressed but still didn’t seem to have control on his large motor movements like other kids his age. Through months of physical therapy, Sawyer was walking but seemed to fall more than most and really couldn’t run. On August 29th 2008 our world changed, Sawyer was diagnosed with Duchenne Muscular Dystrophy. Duchenne muscular dystrophy is disorder characterized by progressive muscle degeneration and weakness. Read More
A little about:Bryce MadsenWhen Bryce was born, we were thrilled. His delivery was normal and in the beginning months of his life, all seemed well. But, at about 9 months of age, we noticed that he wasn’t trying to push up on his arms when he was on his stomach and he wouldn’t reach for toys when sitting. We brought our concerns to the doctor, but they were not concerned. Over the next few months we noticed other issues. He was not able to stand and his legs were like noodles. We went to a neurologist and they did some initial testing that did not come up with anything. We waited another two months and then when we brought him to the doctor, the doctor was not able to get any reflexes. That prompted more testing and then we received the call that the doctor wanted to see us. Read More
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